Vieta-Net Control (VNC) Software Version 2, which includes new features, a better user interface and an easier automatic set-up, allows a remarkable 2-way communication between a variety of local control options and a PC-based master control of the media player and amplifiers, which can be connected directly, connected via a wireless network or connected remotely using the internet.
Local changes to settings on the Ti Line system can be made by any combination of IR remotes, wall switches and unit front panels. These changes will register on the remote PC which provides master control of the system, and can be overridden or amended as desired. In practice this means that a system installer can, over the internet, monitor any changes made to the system and reverse them. This control can be pro-active, for example finding and playing a particular track on the SD audio player.In addition to allowing precise control of features such as EQ, Level, Mute, Play, Pause etc, important feedback is available on the status of some units - for example Clipping, Protection, Temperature and DC Voltage on the amplifiers. Potential problems trigger warnings on the screen.
Elements of the Ti Line suite of audio products - the Ti-2101 and Ti-2102 amplifier Blocks, Ti-2301 GPI/GPO Block and the new Ti-2510 multi-input SD Player - can be "daisy-chained" by Vieta-Net using CAT-5 cable.
Vieta Net can be interfaced with external control systems, either simply, by using GPI, or by direct access to the protocol and commands (available on request).
• Also launching at PLASA is the new version of the Ti-2602. This is a very high quality 100W RMS DIN-mounting transformer for Ti Line constant voltage operation.
Traditionally, 100v line installations are associated with poor sound. This is because the cheap transformers normally used unacceptably degrade frequency response. In keeping with Vieta Pro's commitment to high-quality high impedance work, the Ti-2602 transformer is sectionally-wound. Sectionally-wound transformers are more expensive to produce but give a frequency response for constant voltage systems that equals, and often exceeds, the performance of low impedance installations.
Vieta Pro - Stand L36
(Lee Baldock)