The move to digital continues - worldwide. PA company Sound Linear has installed a digitally-networked sound reinforcement system for the Bielefeld Convention Centre in Germany, using the latest loudspeaker modules from Nexo and Camco. In India, Bestt Sound is the latest company to invest in a DiGiCo D5 Live console.

In a year of unprecedented theatre renovations in Russia, one of the most ambitious has been the £7.5m restoration of the Mikhailovsky Theatre of Opera and Ballet in St Petersburg. In just four months, the theatre renovated the hall, stage, lobby, orchestra pit, plumbing, heating and electrical systems, plus the building's roof and façade, all in time to kick off its new season. At the same time, the Mikhailovsky overhauled its lighting system, outfitting its stage with equipment from ETC.

In Moscow, The new multi-purpose ballroom and conference facility at the Ho

UK - Leading entertainment lighting supplier White Light has today announced a radical overhaul of its transportation department that will see it move into a more sustainable future based on techniques from the past.

The company is to replace the fleet of vans that undertake regular deliveries from its Wimbledon base into London's Theatreland with an efficient, low fuel consumption, and very friendly horse and cart. "This transportation system has been used by the local Young's Brewery for many years," notes White Light's managing director, Bryan Raven.

"When we learnt that they were to phase it out we realised what a great opportunity this was for us. Our many theatre and corporate event clients mean that we have to make regular deliveries into central London, and rising fuel costs make this increasingly expensive.

"The horses, on the other hand, will pa

UK - The Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) has announced that the Professional Lighting and Sound Association (PLASA) is the first trade association to become an awarding body in the entertainment, conference, architectural and communications industries. By becoming an awarding body the national qualifications system is now able to recognise the specific needs of SMEs and larger organisations across the industry.

Part of the second wave of employers to achieve Awarding Body status, PLASA has been working with the QCA to conform to the rigorous standards set to become a QCA accredited awarding body.

The development of a Level 1 Trainee Rigger programme for 'new entrants' into the industry will start in the summer of 2008 and will cover the core skills required for rigging in any sector and provide a pathway for someone trying to reach the Level 2 certificate. This w

USA - A trio of fundraising efforts on behalf of Behind the Scenes culminated in March with over $11,000 raised. From industry veterans to high school students, people are turning their passion for the industry into action and caring for their current and future colleagues.

Richard Wolpert's brainchild was Pedaling to Benefit Behind the Scenes, a 754 mile, 12 day bicycle trip from Springfield, MO to Houston, TX in time for the USITT Conference. Riding at an average speed of 12 mph and covering as much as 78 miles in a day. He was joined for the first 72 miles by Rob Schraft and for the last 274 miles by Jeni Lyn Anderson.

On 15 March 15, the Mount Vernon High School Chapter of USITT held its second annual Short Reach Short Riders Tricycle Ride for Behind the Scenes. A cold and wet morning greeted the 38 high school riders as they competed in relays, sprints, and

UK - Three distinctive projects, delivered by Theatre design consultants Charcoalblue, have received 2008 Civic Trust Awards in recognition of their 'outstanding contribution' to the quality and appearance of the environment: The Roundhouse, The Young Vic in London and The North Wall Performing Arts Centre, St Edwards School, Oxford. In addition to the standard prizes, nine Special Awards were also presented with the Special Award for Access going to The Roundhouse, Camden.

The Civic Trust Awards aim to promote the positive impact that good building and urban development can have on society. It's currently one of the largest and most respected award schemes of its kind in Europe.

Jack Tilbury, project director for Charcoalblue and The Roundhouse project, said: "We're delighted that the Roundhouse has received the 2008 Civic Trust Special Award for Access. We worked very c

USA - Atlas Sound and IED have joined the NSCA Education Foundation as host sponsors of the Systems Integration Industry Charity Golf Tournament. The Foundation's popular golf tournament will take place during InfoComm 08 on 17 June at Rhodes Ranch Golf Course in Las Vegas.

"I am happy to join forces with Infocomm and the NSCA Education Foundation to support the Industry Charity Golf Tournament, hosted by Atlas Sound and IED," said Loyd Ivey, CEO of Atlas Sound/IED. "We can tee up a striking event for two great causes, industry education and juvenile diabetes. Both of these causes are very dear to my heart. I look forward to everyone coming out and playing their best round of golf ever, for these two important needs."

"The NSCA Foundation is extremely excited to have Atlas Sound/IED as the host sponsor for this year's event," said Tom Frericks, pr

UK - Crowd management and event security company Showsec has launched its managerial Academy, a building block in its goal to offer a progressive, operational career path within the Industry.

The Showsec Academy formalises training and provides an accredited qualification for staff at managerial level, something that has never before been addressed by the industry, says the company. The year-long programme offers staff the chance to develop the knowledge, skills and experience required to become an effective operational manager within the crowd management industry.

The programme is divided into three key elements: operational management, leadership, and administration and support services. It includes vocational and industry qualifications, operational experience, as well as mentoring and self development elements. The vocational aspect will ensure associates encounter every t

Glastonbury organiser Michael Eavis says slow ticket sales in 2008 are due to terrible weather in previous years, not the choice of main headliner Jay-Z. It is the first time in recent memory that tickets have not sold out on the first day. 100,000 had sold by Sunday afternoon out of a total of 137,500. Michael Eavis said: "I think three years of mud may have taken their toll, but even so, 100,000 isn't bad." The Verve and Kings of Leon are also headlining the festival this summer, which takes place at Worthy Farm from 27-29 June.Tenor Luciano Pavarotti was miming during his last performance at the winter Olympics in Turin in 2006. Conductor Leone Magiera has revealed the singer's rendition of Nessun Dorma was pre-recorded, as a live performance would have been "too dangerous". Pavarotti, who died in September, was already suffering pain months before being dia

UK - Independent event health and safety consultancy Stagesafe has issued a reminder to companies in the entertainment end events sector that two major pieces of legislation came into effect on 6 April. The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 applies to employers involved in the provision of live or recorded music in restaurants, bars, nightclubs etc.

Other sectors have had to comply with the regulations for the last two years, but this sector was given a two-year transitional period, which expired on 6 April. Employers will have a new responsibility to protect their employees' hearing and should consider conducting a noise risk assessment, taking steps to reduce noise where necessary and ensure the legal limits on noise exposure are not exceeded.

Employees must be informed of the changes and provided with hearing protection and checks where necessary. Employers may also

UK - The judging panel for the Hire Association Europe's (HAE) Hire Awards of Excellence 2008 will this year include a key player from the Audio Visual industry. Ruth Rossington, executive director at PLASA Ltd, will be joining fellow professionals from across the hire industry to judge the prestigious awards prior to the presentations in May.

As a judge, Ruth will be looking for evidence that HAE member companies have demonstrated the highest standards or quality and professionalism. There are 14 categories in total ranging from 'Hire Person of the Year' to 'Best Contribution to Health and Safety'.

Ruth said: "I'm looking for companies that are committed to developing their teams and who have invested time and money in building their skills and levels of customer service to set themselves apart from others.

"Many companies have the right intentions or a range of p

UK - With many lighting designers already giving their support, the second annual Light Relief Day, which this year takes place on Thursday April 24, looks set to top the £5000 raised in 2007.

Already pledging to donate their royalties for April 24 to Light Relief are the lighting designers of many shows, including a couple of overseas productions: Paule Constable, The City at Royal Court Theatre, Chris Davey, (no specific show); Rick Fisher, Billy Elliot UK and Australia; Rob Halliday, Equus UK tour and My Fair Lady US tour; Paul Pyant, Lord of the Rings; Malcolm Rippeth, Brief Encounter; Ian Scott, 39 Steps; Kevin Sleep, Woman in Black, James Whiteside for The Wedding Singer tour and Never Forget, donated in advance of its West End premiere in May; and Willie Williams, We Will Rock You, UK and French and Saunders Live Tour. Thanks to all these for their early commitment

UK - London-based theatre consultancy Theatreplan has to fit its latest project, at Sheffield's Crucible Theatre, around the theatre's commitments to the World Snooker Championship. The Crucible is the main producing house in the Sheffield Theatres Complex (which also comprises the Lyceum Theatre and The Studio), and is well respected for its theatrical performances as well as the annual televised snooker championships.

Built in 1971 and seating 980 in a thrust-stage configuration, the theatre has just completed the first phase of its current refurbishment project - to replace the stage with a versatile system that allows the stage level to be easily and safely changed for different functions, including the forthcoming snooker championship.

Theatreplan's Clive Odom says: "The stage system was developed using Steeldeck Easydeck platforms which are the 'industry standard' s

This week's news included the deal that never was: the proposed TC Group / Gibson Guitar merger that had the industry talking at the end of January this year finally turned out to be a non-starter, as both parties agreed to end talks and go their separate ways.

Arriving with little fanfare, the Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 now applies to employers involved in the provision of live or recorded music in restaurants, bars, nightclubs etc, following a two-year period of grace, which expired on 6 April.

Employers are now responsible for protecting their employees' hearing. And that's not all on the legislation front - employers are now also faced with the Corporate Manslaughter Act, which also came into force on 6 April. Bosses are now responsible if their company's negligence results in death in the workplace. The message is this: review your business procedures now, to make

Hong Kong - As part of its ongoing programme of education in automation, Stage Technologies recently worked with the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) to deliver a five day course to its students. The course combines a number of theoretical lectures and practical site visits and presents the students with an overview of theatre engineering and automation systems.

Mark Ager, Stage Technologies' managing director, lead discussions on how automation is used in entertainment venues, including the practical advantages, cost implications and safety issues, as well as giving a technical overview of the equipment used. This information was then augmented with visits to the Hong Kong Cultural Centre and the Wynn and Venetian hotel complexes in Macau, where Stage Technologies has recently completed commissioning several large systems.

The course was designed for students cur

UK - Keith Sykes, for 11 years Works Director of one of the UK's most proactive flightcase manufacturers, 5 Star, has purchased the majority shareholding of the company, whilst MD Jim Willis has retired from the Wisbech-based business after a quarter of a century.

Sykes and Willis have worked together for many years, building the company from small beginnings, when it initially made its mark as a quality guitar and keyboard case manufacturer. Sykes joined in June 1991 when 5 Star acquired Pro-Tect Cases, an Ipswich-based case making operation that he'd managed for some years. The merger with Pro-Tect forged the way ahead for 5 Star's future development, seeing it become a leading European case manufacturer, enjoying steady growth and attaining a leading market position.

Sykes was made a director and shareholder of 5 Star Cases in 1997.

In the immediate future, Jim Willis wil

UK - The Theatres Trust's Annual Conference takes place on 10 June 2008 at the Cottesloe Theatre in London where theatre owners and managers, manufacturers, suppliers and consultant, architects and engineers, will be invited to debate the impact of climate change on theatre buildings and what influence the reduction of our carbon footprint will have on theatre use in the 21st Century.

The implication of new legislation to reduce carbon emissions being introduced through Climate Change, Energy and Planning Bills will be addressed by the Rt Hon Margaret Hodge MBE MP, Minister for Culture, and Peter Head, director, planning and integrated urbanism, Arup in opening and closing contributions.

From the theatre world, the carbon comfort work in the Royal Shakespeare Theatre's Transformation Project will be covered by Peter Wilson, its project director, along with Stephen Jolly of Bur

UK - Through a continuous improvement programme, ID&C continues to work with Impactt, a business advisory organisation to improve ethical business standards in its Chinese factory partner, in line with the Ethical Trading Initiative code of practice.

Creating lanyards, wristbands and laminate solutions for leading sporting events, outdoor events and venue entry, ID&C says it has always been aware of the ethical implications surrounding the industry. Impactt works with worldwide companies to raise the awareness of the business supply chain and support and manage ethical trading programmes to tackle labour standard issues.

Business manager of ID&C, Matt Wilkey comments: "It is important that UK companies be aware of the supply chain they depend on and how their business affects people in the chain. We have worked with the same factory to create our lanyards and event mercha

NAB 2008 in Las Vegas has seen the fruits of a collaborative effort between Neumann and UK-based digital mixing console manufacturer DiGiCo, allowing Neumann's digital microphones to interface directly with DiGiCo's desks. Meanwhile, the German microphone manufacturer is celebrating its 80th anniversary." Each decade has its great stars and big hits," says the company. "The majority were produced using Neumann products". Happy Birthday.

The Millenium Dome, for long derided as Labour's £850m vanity project and awarded white elephant status, is now - as the 02 Artena - the most popular music venue in the world, overtaking New York's Madison Square Gardens. Simon Moran, managing director of SJM Concerts - who has promoted Take That and The Spice Girls at the O2 told the Daily Telegraph: "There was a huge gap in the market for a 21st century standard venue in

UK - is a new web-based sales resource that has been launched by Hertfordshire event production company Universal Event Production (UEP). It is designed to help companies of all types all around the world sell equipment they no longer use or need.

UEP's Steve Butcher comments: "We had bits of kit here collecting dust for ages which we always meant to sell on, but never got around to doing anything about it for a variety of reasons ......and I kept encountering people in this exact same situation. A major reason no-one was selling their unwanted kit was that they didn't have the time to get it together - it was always last on the agenda and something that no-one ever got around to. Also, until now, EBAY was the only serious option to reach a wide audience."

Butcher has decided to take advantage of this gap in the market with Audiovisualbay, making

UK - Michael Northen was a founding member of the Association of Lighting Designers and its President for many years. He was very supportive of the work of young lighting designers entering the profession, and set up a student bursary shortly before his death in 2001.

The £500 cash bursary is awarded to a student who shows exemplary talent in lighting design and is judged on a project that has been produced within the current academic year (July 2007 - June 2008). The ALD awards the bursary each year in conjunction with The Mousetrap Foundation, an organisation committed to encouraging young theatre practitioners and which manages the fund.

In addition to the Michael Northen Bursary Award winner who receives a cheque for £500, two other winners will receive prizes of £250 this year, sponsored by ETC and the ALD. All three winning submissions will be displayed

UK - The Standing Committee on Structural Safety (SCOSS) and the Advisory Group on Temporary Structures (AGOTS) recently held an Events Industry Workshop to discuss concerns relating to the increasing use of large television screen structures at public events.

The aim of the workshop was to identify ways of ensuring adequate attention was paid to the competency of those involved, the design process and the use and management on site of these potentially complex structures. The workshop was attended by screen suppliers, promoters, event organisers, designers and the Health and Safety Executive. SCOSS has produced a report on the procurement, design and use of these structures which highlights a number of serious concerns.

John Carpenter, secretary of SCOSS, said: "Everyone recognises the need for these structures to be procured and used in a manner which reflects their sa

Another interesting and fascinating week in our industries. As many head for Dubai and the PALME exhibition, or to the A.C. North event which begins in Leeds today, the big news in Europe is that Lawo, an undoubted pioneer in the world of digital audio for broadcast, has acquired a majority shareholding in Innovason - a digital pioneer in the live sound sector. A meeting of minds and technologies that will no doubt give birth to some serious developments in the ever-changing digital world we all now work in.

Congratulations to Martin Audio's long-serving finance director, Anthony Taylor who has been appointed to the role of joint managing director with immediate effect. "The move, warmly welcomed by Martin Audio's parent company Loud Technologies, is seen as strategic succession planning, although current CEO and managing director David Bissett-Powell, who recommended the appointm

UK - The first exhibitors have already committed to next year's Showlight which takes place at BBC Scotland's headquarters in Glasgow, from 16-19 May 2009. Martin Professional, the main sponsor for the event, was first to sign up, followed by ETC, Gerriets, MA Lighting, Pixel Range, Rainbow Colour Changers, Robe UK, Robert Juliat and Selecon Europe.

Mark Ravenhill, vice-president for television and theatre lighting at Martin Professional, says, "Showlight has emerged as one of the most important events for lighting professionals, an invaluable asset to the ongoing development of the industry. It is exceptionally fruitful for us as it provides the opportunity for real two-way dialogue."

(Jim Evans)

UK - The Association of British Theatre Technician's ABTT Theatre Show is gearing up to celebrate its 30th birthday in London's Royal Horticultural Halls, 11-12 June 2008.

Many new innovations on the lighting front will be showcased this year with an emphasis on energy efficiency in line with the Theatres Trust conference on sustainable theatres to be held on 10 June.

Selecon will showcase its new 80V Power Supply with direct DMX control.

ETC will highlight products that offer low cost of ownership and sustainable solutions. PRG Europe will highlight its products and services.

Zero 88 will demonstrate its new version 3 software for its Leap Frog 48 & 96 consoles. Its Jester ML series will be showcased.

Stage Electrics will premiere the QMaxz 575 moving head, which offers cost effectivity and high performance as the latest addition to its expansive rental fleet, says the

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