Obituary: Antony Bridges - 1964-2005 The Technician's Technician
- Details
Born and bred in Ipswich, Antony moved to London in 1982 to study Physics at Imperial College in South Kensington. He rapidly immersed himself in the Drama Society there and within a year was one of the main "techies". His involvement with Dramsoc resulted in an 'unplanned' gap year during his course which he spent working for Theatre Projects Lighting, then at Blundell Street. He ultimately returned to Imperial to finish off his degree before re-joining TP for a further 18 months.
From there he joined Strand Lighting's service department in 1990, spending the next five years travelling the world, commissioning new installations or servicing existing installations of Galaxy, Gemini, EC90 and LP90. His expertise in LP90s resulted in a two-year stint at S